Dance notation systems can provide a useful model to think about paths in terms of continuous body movement, rhythms, pacing and space, but they do not incorporate the environment (other than stage plans) in their systems. Furthermore, other notions important to spatial scoring such as sounds, smells, textures, views, enclosure and subjective experiences are not recognised in these systems either.
Valerie Sutton and the progression of Dance notation into sign-writing
Loose scripts ..
on the java tweaks !
scripts for mobile phone
The composers let go of the control they have over the details of the composition, revert to approximations - that indicate the general idea and atmosphere - and give the performers a meaningful role in the construction of the work. Composers who work with such notation, where the distinction between symbol and drawing are ambiguous.
The gradual breakdown / decomposition of drawing into pictoral writing systems into ideograms / logographic writing.
With time the sign representing sun might develop into a more symbolic and abstract form, like for example, and start to be used with several additional meanings such as ‘heat’ and ‘daytime’. Then, such a type of symbol is no longer a pictogram, but it is a part of a system based on idea-writing called ideogram. The difference between pictograms and ideograms is that the former represent their referent in a conventional way and the latter are more abstract and arbitrary,
Sunflowers: those big faces, and the tilts of their heads – this one sympathetic, this one haughty, this one jaunty. Grown from small seeds, in a few short months they gain stature, hair, veiny green stalks and leaves. Moving to follow the sun, they toil through their short season to produce one big flower, the centre of which is all seeds, ready to disseminate the next generation.
Before radio, electronic communication was always one-to-one. When radio came along, the new ‘one-to-many’ model was described as a ‘broadcast’, which was originally an agricultural term, a way of sowing seeds that mimics nature’s mechanism: the sower takes a handful of seeds and casts them onto the ground with the sweep of an arm.
The phone was crucial for sharing information quickly. In the US in the 1950s and 1960s, when most Americans had telephones, the civil rights movement relied heavily on the telephone.
Before email, the phone tree was one of the quickest and most efficient ways to disseminate information.
The asterisk signals a repair of an error in language.
Landline phones > mobile phones
'Within the span of two decades, Americans went from being a nation of talkers (on landline phones) to a nation of typists (first through word processing, email, and IM, and now through texting).'