Saturday, 19 March 2022

The Newest Sport - Questionnaire

Block 1: Potential Questionnaire Exercises

(to breakdown ideas of sport and begin scouting for locations to visit, 

formatting exercises to practice, and developing accidental lyrics)

What is sport for you? 

If you were to draw a circle of ‘sport’, what would be in the middle?

What would be towards the edge of the circle? 

What activity is near to the previous answer, but just outside of that circle? 

Within the activity from previous answer, pick a specific movement and 

draw a diagram to explain this movement to someone. (Pass this drawing along)

B. Interpret this movement for the next person along

(Does this movement belong somewhere in Santander?)

C. In writing, try to describe this movement to someone

How do you throw something the furthest (viral) on the internet? 

Pick a relation to you (teacher, family, friend, lover), _______________

What sport or exercise would represent this figure? 

If we understood it take 3 things in combination to make something new,

What 3 things are combined to make up the sport or exercise from the previous question.

What are the opposite of these 3 things?

If you put these new 3 things together, what activity would it make?

Does it look like something you see in Santander, 

or is there a place in Santander you think it could happen? 

Draw a new skeleton this new activity

(pass along)

Draw on top the clothing and equipment necessary for this activity

What makes sport different from exercise, movement, practice, hobby? 

What normal daily activities include the following:









What exercise/activity/practice would be legalised if it were considered a sport? 

What would make it legal?

Is sports & exercise municipal? Important for everyone?

What is a (1, more) or (2, less) interesting municipal topic? 

(Business, Energy, Industry, Digital, Culture, 

Media, Education, Environment, Food, 

Trade, Housing, Community, Transport/Mobility, 

Work, Health, Defense, Justice, Finance)

If this topic was now considered a sport, what would the warm-up exercise be? 

draw a diagram to explain this movement to someone. (Pass this drawing along)

B. Interpret this movement for the next person along

(Does this movement belong somewhere in Santander?)

C. In writing, try to describe this movement to someone

If you want, tell us an anecdote that has happened to you while practicing a sport. You can also illustrate it with a quick drawing, or if there are any lyrics to a song that illustrate it for you, write them. 

What annoys you the most in sport? 

Chose: Chemistry & sport - Internet & sport - Mathematics & sport - Invent a category 

1. Escribe una acción que no se pueda realizar 

(Write an action that cannot be performed)

2. Utiliza una sola frase 

(Use a single phrase)

3. El verbo será infinitivo 

(Put the verb will be infinitive)

4. Elige un lugar del instituto para leerla 

(Choose a place in the institute to read it)

How do you balance things? 

When do you feel chemical? 

When do athletes become supernatural? 

Can you remember a recent situation where motion and emotion happened in the same moment?

Some examples of body / mind altering chemicals, drugs, processes, alterations to improve sporting abilities? 

Some examples of other body / mind altering chemicals, drugs, processes, alteration

Pick one of these and describe a movement or exercise that would be improved by this alteration

draw a diagram to explain this movement to someone. (Pass this drawing along)

B. Interpret this movement for the next person along

(Does this movement belong somewhere in Santander?)

C. In writing, try to describe this movement to someone

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Practice a new good luck ritual, to perform before sport,

draw a diagram to explain this movement to someone. (Pass this drawing along)

B. Interpret this movement for the next person along

(Does this movement belong somewhere in Santander?)

C. In writing, try to describe this movement to someone

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _