Friday, 23 August 2019

Multi Directional City Vehicles for New Group Movements (May 2020)

Ona is concerned about the increasing popularity of individualised vehicles in the cities of planet earth: such as the combination of electric scooter and iPod. They are worried about the drop in excitement toward communal transport systems, like the metro or the buses, which are very popular in neighbouring planets, hosting food, dancing and small sports based parties as inhabitants travel to their destinations. They are inviting you to visit the Universal Mobility Congress to test some of the latest developments in multi-directional vehicles, a specific newly released model which is actually inspired by two products of planet earth: starfishes and office swivel chairs. We will explore palaboras and try to understand elements of physics upside-down to develop a series of new vehicle proposals for the city, to cater for multiple intentions happening all at one time and moving together in new ways. Ona has an upcoming meeting with the Barcelona city supervisor of mobility, and she needs our help to present these new vehicles in the form of an orbital race, expecting this to disintegrate into a more dysfunctional dance.

A Ona le preocupa la creciente popularidad de vehículos individuales en las ciudades del planeta Tierra y la caída en el uso del transporte público, muy popular en los planetas vecinos, donde organizan comidas, bailes y pequeñas fiestas deportivas durante los trayectos. Te invitamos al Congreso Universal de Movilidad para probar algunos de los últimos desarrollos en vehículos multidireccionales, un nuevo sistema inspirado en dos elementos de la Tierra: estrellas de mar y sillas giratorias de oficina. Exploraremos parábolas e intentaremos comprender elementos de la física al revés para desarrollar una serie de propuestas de nuevos vehículos urbanos, que Ona presentará supervisor de movilidad de la ciudad de Barcelona en una carrera circular que se convertirá en una danza.


Malaysian directional language

Horses / vehicles following directional of human body 

(Priest riding backwards on donkey? )

Office chairs / starfishes .. multi directional

